Home » Kluk – CGDT – Arise Fashion Week Designer Profile

Kluk – CGDT – Arise Fashion Week Designer Profile

arise_klukMalcolm Kluk and Christiaan Gabriel du Toit decided to become a design duo in 2005, where the well known KLUK label became locally and internationally recognized as KLUK CGDT.

Malcolm Kluk was born and bred in Durban, studied Fashion at the Internationally renowned British School of St Martians and proceeded in doing his final year apprenticeship with John Galliano. His counterpart, Christiaan, was born and bred in Worcester and studied at and graduated from the Cape Technicon School of Fashion.

The two designers are well known for their impeccable style, graceful designs, and their perfect understanding of the female form and demur. KLUK CGDT has taken South African fashion to another level and has given South African fashion an international flare with their clean lines and attention to detail.

KLUK CGDT took their impeccable taste to another level wherein they’ve launched their own home ware range, both designers believe that fashion, home, ambiance, smells and tastes are not isolated pleasures, but form part of a lifestyle that they align themselves with. KLUK CGDT has been described as a “nostalgic moment of great fashion, hospitality and delicious lingering smells.”

The collection is like a personal collection of treasures gathered from travels around the world. There are Chinese and Indian and African influences. All inspired by the Interior and theatre designer Tony Doucette and his beautiful home “Dawnridge”

New and different
Always, every collection we try to change it up. This season we are working with lots of colour and cut and draping. We have washed silk organza and a lot of very soft fabrics. The collection is quite cocktail biased, with a new concept for beading

We have teamed up with Armilla to make our jewellery


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