90 Days of Nioxin

Have you heard of Nioxin? It’s a full range of hair and scalp treatments that optimize the health of your scalp to give you great looking hair. Nioxin is a professional haircare system (sold only in salons) that does more than just clean your hair. It helps to remove all the gunk that clogs your hair follicle. This buildup, caused in part by day-to-day hair products, prevents your hair from getting the nourishment it needs to look shiny and beautifully healthy.

With Nioxin, scalp care is at the forefront of their product development, and they believe that a healthy scalp requires the same attention and care as the skin on your face! A healthy scalp also helps to create healthy hair that shines, with a thicker, denser appearance.

Recently we were spoiled by Nioxin and got to try out their 3-part-Systems for three different hair concerns; fine hair, thinning hair and weak hair.

So we put these products to the test. Louise (left) and I (right) used Nioxin’s Starter Kit System 3 for fine, treated, normal to thin looking hair. “V” (middle) used Nioxin System 2 for noticeable thinning.

All three of us, used only Nioxin on our hair for three months and the products in the kits lasted for the full duration. The Nioxin System kits retail at around R645 each, which may sound like a lot at first, but lets do the math!

The System kits last for three months, which means you’re only paying R215 a month and that’s for your shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment. Break it down even further, and you’re only really paying R71 per product per month, which is only slightly more than what you’d pay for mass consumer products that don’t deliver half as much!

To find out what each of us thought of the Nioxin System, click the Next buttons to the right…

To find out more about Nioxin, follow them on Facebook