Summer Reads

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Summer time, summer time! It’s been a while since I’ve done a reading list, but over the holidays, I  rekindled my love for reading and thought I’d share some of my current faves!

My perfect summer book is one that’s relaxed and chilled, really. Something light, funny and I guess a little chick lit is always welcome. When I say “chick-lit”, I don’t mean soppy over dramatic romance stories – I don’t really enjoy those – but rather something witty and entertaining that takes you out of your “real world” and lets you float around in a fluffy cloud, overlooking someone else’s’ universe.

Ideally, I want to be able escape into a story without too much effort. In the winter, I’m more into saucy stories and crime thrillers that I can really get into while curled up in front of the fire, sipping Nutella hot chocolate, but for my summer reads, I want something laze-worthy!

If this sounds like your kinda summer reading, then be sure to check out my picks below. Oh, and there’s also a fun giveaway at the end that I think everyone will love!


Right now I’m reading Girl Online: On Tour, the sequel to popular blogger and Youtube sensation Zoe Sugg, aka Zoella’s first novel, Girl Online.

I know, I know, this book is targeted more towards the college kids (as the main character in the book, Penny is a student), but ya know what, I’ve never been one to do anything that’s age appropriate! LOL! I love what George Bernard Shaw said, that “we don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing” and he’s so very right!

Anyhoo, it’s quite a fun read. I’m only a few chapters in, but I’m really enjoying the story. I haven’t read the first one, so I guess I’ll have to go back one day, but basically Penny’s boyfriend, Noah, is a recently famed singing celeb and she’s just finished her college year and off to join him on his very first tour in Europe.

Girl Online: On Tour is like reading Penny’s Diary – although it’s not technically a diary, you do feel as though you’re in her head, seeing what she sees, feeling what she feels.

The story is well written and even a girl I her 30’s can relate to the characters. For me, the book is almost like a time machine that took me back to my younger years, but with a totally new set of eyes. Imagine going back to your school/ college days but with things like Twitter, Facebook, blogging, Snap Chat and What’s App. When I was a tween, all we had were cellphones, and those were pretty new and exciting then.

Such a great read. I can’t sit for the weekend to come so that I can finish reading it.

This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper is such a great book! I whizzed through it and I as I got to the last chapter, I started feeling sad that the story was over. I didn’t want it to end, but you know what they say, all good things eventually come to an end!

The story is about a Jewish family brought together by a death in the family. It sounds kinda dramatic, I know, but trust me when I say, it will have you laughing it loud! Basically, the father’s last wish was to have his dysfunctional family sit shiva, which means that they have to spend seven days, and seven nights together, under the same roof.

The book is written from Judd Foxman’s point of view, but you get to meet all his crazy siblings, his really crazy sister in law and his eccentric mom along the way. Then there’s also his ex wife, who left him for his boss. The chapter where he “busts” her is literally the funniest thing I’ve ever read! How Tropper came up with that scenario and made it so vivid just shows his amazing story telling abilities.

This is Where I Leave You was also made into a movie starring Jane Fonder (as the ecentric mom), Jason Bateman (as Judd) and one of the best characters in both the book and the movie, Phillip Altman (Judd’s younger, spoiled brother played by Adam Driver). I know they say that the movie is never as good as the book, and in this case, it couldn’t be more true! If you watched the movie, you’ll have missed out on the amazing “moment of truth” scene where Judd busts his cheating ass wife. Trust me, it’s hilarious, I’m giggling right now just thinking about it.

Crazy Little Thing by Tracy Brogan is also a fabulous little summer indulgence! I discovered this gem in the Kindle Unlimited library and liked the cover (naughty, naughty) so I downloaded it! Turns out, the book was better than the cover!

As I mentioned above, I’m not into soppy romance novels, and while this book definitely has a lot of romance going on, it’s so much more entertaining than I had expected. Literally, laugh out loud! The lead character, Sadie Turner, recently divorced from her cheating ex, goes on a “vacation” to escape and takes her kids with her to stay at her insanely OTT aunt Dody’s place in Bell Harbor in an effort to “get away” from her troubles.

Along the way, you get to love her coo-coo aunt, her two adult cousins, even the slobbering dogs! Oh and then there’s hunky doc Desmond too, but you’ll read all about him! Reading this book was fun and entertaining. A grown up woman who’s divorce made her feel like her “life was over”, found herself again and she found a more fun loving, life loving and more playful version of herself.

Sunday Dinners by Jon Rance I finished reading this book two days! Again, a book I found on Kindle Unlimited and thought, what the heck! Turned out to be such a great summer read, perfect for lazing on the beach!

It’s about the Wilde family; where the father, Greg Wilde loves having sunday roast with his family. It was a tradition he started when his kids were young, and now that they’re all grown up, he insists on having them to “keep his family together”. Each chapter starts with a new roast and told by a different family members’ perspective.  The story is so much more than sitting at the dinner table though. It’s a wonderful book that uncovers each of the characters (aka the mother, father, grandmother and kids plus their partners) and with each one you learn more about each member and their lives.

It’s a hilarious read with some scenes that will shock you! Espeically the mom, Lizzy’s “retreat”, but it’s also a feel good book that makes you feel like you’re part of the Wilde family. So vivid and descriptive are the scenes that you literally feel you were right there eating roast with the Wilde’s.

The Bette Davis Club by Jane Lotter is such a cute read, it will have you feeling all warm and fuzzy and leave you with an incredible feeling of wanderlust.

The main character, Margo is a fun loving, martini drinking, 50-something woman who is sent on a paid mission by her half sister, whom she doesn’t like very much, to find her run away bride niece, Georgia.

Margo, together with Georgia’s left-at-the-alter fiancé, Tully, go on a road trip in Margo’s  dads 1950’s MG roadster that Carey Grant drove, to find Georgia. Tully wants to know why she left him hanging and Margo’s just in a financially difficult situation, and since her half sister is offering her cash to find Georgia, she’s in.

They travel along Route 66, from Malibu to Palm Springs, to Chicago and then to New York, and the story unfolds and gives you more perspective into the main character, her BFF Dottie, her almost husband, her half sister, Tully, Georgia and some strange characters along the way. Towards the middle of the book, the title makes sense and it’s a real eye opener.

Margo is a fun character and I think she’d make a great road trip buddy. She’s so well written, that I almost miss reading about her now that I’ve finished the book.

Win one of x5 Girl Online On Tour Goody Bags

To get you in the summer reading mood, I’ve got x5 Girl Online On Tour Goody Bags to give away to five lovely readers!

The Goody Bag consists of a whole bunch of Girl Online: On Tour goodies including; Girl Online: On Tour book, Girl Online: On Tour wrapping paper, Girl Online: On Tour poster, Girl Online: On Tour bracelet, a Penguin-themed notepad, an exclusive Zoella beauty bath and body product, all wrapped in a Girl Online: On Tour bag. Two of the hampers will also have Girl Online: On Tour T-Shirts!

Such a great prize right? For you, your daughters, sisters and friends, valued at R650 each.

To enter, please use the Rafflecopter Mechanism below. Please note entries are only valid for South African residents. Winners will be contacted by their email provided in the comments and announced on this post within five days of the giveaway end date.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And just for fun, take my poll

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Good luck, and happy reading
