How to make your eucalyptus cuttings last longer

!!! This entry is older than two years. The information may be outdated. >>>

There’s nothing I love more than a fresh batch of Eucalyptus cuttings to liven up my home. They are my favourite foliage. Just stick them in some water and boom, instant gratification! And they last longer than cut flowers, so, nuffsaid!

But how do you keep Eucalyptus going even longer?

You could let them dry elnatural, which would stiffen up the leaves and make for a nice autumn or winter accent in your home. But there’s another way that will allow your Eucalyptus cuttings to live longer and keep the leaves soft and beautiful with their natural roundness. As in, no stiffening of the leaves and shrivelling them up to gothic gore.

The answer is glycerine. Simple. Just add some glycerine to the water and enjoy your Eucalyptus for longer, while watching it transform to a gorgeous pinkish, reddish hue. It’s quite something.

So, just add glycerine you say? Well it’s a wee bit more of a process, but I promise, it’s still quick and easy and definitely worth a try.

Start by cutting your branches to the desired length and remove any dead leaves or stems. Then snip the bottom of each of the stems at an angle.

Next, boil 2-parts water and combine 1 part glycerine into a pyrex jug.

Stir until the glycerine has combined and allow it to cool before filling your vase. I like using fat, clear vases filled with some pebbles to support my branches.

Then plop your Eucalyptus cuttings into the vase, being mindful to ensure that the glycerine-water doesn’t touch the leaves. If it does, either reduce the amount of glycerine-water or snip off the bottom leaves so that only the stems are in the water solution.

Then sit back and enjoy. Your leaves will keep their glorious green for about a month, then slowly start to transform into this gorgeous reddish hue that I just adore. That is, if you don’t change the water. If you want to keep them greener for longer and prolong the process, just repeat the steps above, snip off the edges, discard the old glycerine-water and boil up a new batch.

What I really love about this method besides keeping the plant “alive” for longer is that the smell lingers for longer too! I made an arrangement for my guest bathroom when I did this one and every time I open the door, I am greeted with the gorgeous scent of living, breathing, greenery.

It’s amazing!

This arrangement has been going since November and we are currently at the end of Jan. I’ve changed the water once since then because I wanted to see it transform to red without stiffening up.