Having your handbag stolen is not a pleasant experience, especially when you consider most of us carry our lives, and often our kitchen sink in our bags. In addition to the valuable contents inside, some bags cost a pretty packet on their own, and losing them would be downright devastating.
But lets face it, nobody wants to sit with a handbag on their lap during lunch, or put it on the floor. I know I’m not the only one who hates hanging my bag behind my chair and I have been looking for an alternative to the floor and the lap for ages.
I recently discovered these handy little things called Handbag Hooks via thier website and immediately approached them to find out more about how (and if) they work.
I am now hooked (excuse the pun) to my Handbag Hook and won’t leave home without it. Besides looking absolutely gorgeous, with a wide variety of styles to match your personality (and your outfit), these little Handbag Hooks are really smart, effective and not to mention very fabulous.
They hook nicely onto just about any table surface and can hold a weight of about 6 kilograms. Now there’s a product that has beauty and brains!
Every girl should own at least one of these handbag hooks. They also make great gifts, and are perfect for the girl who “has everything”. They are available online via Storagetech.co.za and cost between R80 – R130. You can even buy them in sets with matching key finders.
Storagetech have given us 4 Fabulous Handbook Hooks to give away to StyleScoop users. Every week, we will be giving away one of these hooks, so make sure you enter our online competition.
— competition closed — please see our winners page (above) for a list of all the winners