Fab Find! Chanel Nailpolish iPhone Cases

!!! This entry is older than two years. The information may be outdated. >>>

Us girls love to change our nail colour to match our mood, but how about changing your iPhone cover to match your nailpolish?


Just when you thought iPhone cases couldn’t get any cooler, I found these jaw dropping, I-want-one-so-badly covers that look like giant Chanel nailpolish! Hello awesomeness! When I saw them pop up on my instagram feed, I immediately asked Professor Google to where I could find them.

It turns out Etsy had the answer…

Chanel Riva nail polish iPhone case

Chanel black nail polish iPhone case

They’ve got Chanel nailpolish iPhone covers in different colours; black, blue, orange, beige… The list goes on and on!


They’ve even got this one MAC nailpolish case for your iPhone!

The covers are available for iPhone 4/ 4s as well as for the new iPhone 5 and come in either black or white.

What do you guys think? Hot or not?