How to Give the Best Gifts this Christmas

How to Give the Best Gifts this Christmas

!!! This entry is older than two years. The information may be outdated. >>>

With Christmas 2020 less than half a month away, if you need a little help in the gift giving department, today I’m here to present you with my top tips and gift giving inspo to make your life a little easier.

I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t love receiving gifts. But how many of us can truly say we are great gift givers? Do your gifts make your friends and family beam with enthusiasm, or do you notice them quietly cringing?

As much as I love gifts myself, I really enjoy buying gifts for others. Sometimes, I get really stressed out about what to buy them, because I don’t like adding clutter to someones life -which I am sure many of us can relate to. If you feel the same right now, relax, take a deep breath and let me help you make those gift decisions much easier by following my top tips:

# Numero Uno – Don’t like it? Don’t Give it

When shopping for gifts, those random nicknacks you hate clogging your house, will be equally unappreciated when giving them as gifts. My numero uno tip when buying gifts is never gift anyone something you wouldn’t like yourself.

Now, I know we are all unique individuals with our own personal tastes, so what I think is amazing, you may think is average. What I’m trying to point out here, is that if you would really not like the gift yourself, chances are the person you are giving it to would not like it either.

I don’t mean not like as in not into. I mean, if you touch and feel it and you really don’t like how it looks or feels, but you think someone else might, then please don’t!

#2 Don’t buy a gift for something “you know” they are into

This one is really tough! Like, really, really tough. If you are buying someone a gift for a hobby or interest they are really into, and you don’t understand the whole thing, please don’t buy them a gift that you think will “compliment” their interest.

For instance I’m really into crochet at the moment, but please gawd don’t buy me acrylic yarn in hideous colours! I may be getting into the hobby (and still super new at it), but when I crochet pieces, I want to make them out of beautiful yarns that are high quality and generally more expensive. Plus, I like to choose my own stuff especially when I’m making something. Personally, I’d prefer a box of chocolates as a gift if you were to say, look for a gift for my new crochet hobby.

See what I mean? When someone is “into” something and when it’s an interest or hobby, then chances are they have already researched the living daylights out of it, so they already know what they want. Unless of course, you know for a fact that they want a particular thing for their interest, then by all means, go for it!

#3 Be a Snoop

The worst thing that can happen to a gift is for it to get shoved way back in the cupboard. And speaking of cupboards, while I’d never encourage you to go snooping into peoples private spaces to see what they like, thankfully you can still snoop around on their social media for ideas.

If lets say, your sister Jane has posted a picture on her Instagram stories about a pair of Gold Reebok Wonderwoman Sneakers (and they are within your budget), score! Don’t say anything to Jane, don’t hint or draw any attention to them, just screenshot the story or make a metal note. Then when it comes time to shop for her gift, you’re sorted. Now, bear mind these same sneakers are “Wonder Woman” sneakers, and while Jane may really love them, your best friend who is Wonder Woman obsessed may not particularly be into wearing something like this. See point #2

#4 Pay Attention

Buying gifts for friends or family is not that difficult, especially if you’re in each others homes or out and about together. And while it may feel like a lot of pressure, if you interact with this person, and you actually pay attention to them, great gift ideas will be on the ready for you always. In fact, when you get really good at this, and with certain friends and family members, you’ll be able to spot a gift and know without a shadow of doubt that they will love it. Sort of like the gift finds them and comes through you. Haha!

Let’s say you’re out with your best friend Carrie one day and you whip out your Instax Mini Camera.  Carrie goes gaga and immediately snatches it out of your hands to start snapping photos. She’s kinda obsessed and talks about how fantastic it is. Now, fast forward to a few weeks down the line and you’ve noticed Carrie hasn’t bought the Instax because she’s too busy being a new mom. And you, being the great friend you are, has the perfect gift idea Carrie will love.

Warning: Don’t mistake someone complimenting an item you have with it being something they will like themselves. This is where paying attention is important. If Carrie just said, “oh nice camera,” that doesn’t mean she wants one herself. But, if you pay attention to how she reacted for the camera above, well then, you know!

#5 Little Details Matter

The gift receiving part is often more exciting than the gift itself, so pay special attention to how you’ve wrapped your gift. Make it look beautiful and chic, go the extra mile and put the effort in. This one is especially important when it comes to gifting something that’s more about the gesture than the stuff!

One Last Tip

Now that I’ve wrapped up (get what I did there) my top tips on giving gifts, I’ve got another one for ya! If you’re really stuck for ideas, how about a Superbalist voucher? That way they can buy themselves exactly what they want, and with a wide range of products; for him, for her, for baby, for kids, for the house, for the office etc etc, you simply can’t go wrong.

Or, you can use my tips above to shop on Superbalist in any case (even if it’s for yourself). They’ve got the best Christmas 2020 deals with rad offers until the 18th December so don’t miss out.

My Superbalist Wishlist

And that my friends, is a wrap!


This is a collaboration post with Superbalist.