Read It – My Not So Perfect Life

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Sophie Kinsella’s latest novel, My Not So Perfect Life. I really wanted to read it slooooowly to savour each and every page, but I just couldn’t put it down!

If you’re looking for a fun read to snuggle up with this winter, this is it!

I had never read one of her books before (I only watched the movies), but now that I’ve read My Not So Perfect Life, I’m hooked on Kinsella!

My Not So Perfect Life is a light read that’s filled with smiles for miles! Literally, you will laugh out load (without control) as Kinsella weaves her words, creating perfect scenes that will make you feel as though you’re living Katie Brenner‘s not so perfect life.

So many chapters left me giggling like a crazy loon! I found myself lying on the couch, Kinsella in hand, completely sucked into this story, with a big ‘ol grin on my face. There was even a time or two when my toes curled in excitement and I’m pretty sure, I let out a squeal or two along the way.

Now, I’m not one to re-write the synopsis of a book or tell you the story (what’s the point of reading it), but I will say that the whole egg white and whey protein scenario or the part where Cat digs her lunch out of a garbage bin were hysterical!

Then there’s her revenge on her boss, Demeter that was not only funny, but left me wondering – seriously, who and how in the world could someone come up with such a perfect masterminded plan to bring the boss lady to her knees!

And that’s all I’m giving away!

If you’re a fan of chick-lit, or light reading that lets you escape, chances are you’ll love this book. It’s not serious, but it has some seriously good stuff in it!

It’s a fabulous escape from everyday life and will make you realise, that those perfectly curated Instagram profiles aren’t always as they seem.

To read more, shop it online or to sneak an excerpt of the book visit the book’s page on the publisher, Penguin Random House’s Page.

What kinds of books are you looking forward to snuggling up with this winter?