The Summer Reading List

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Lately, I’ve really enjoyed switching up my iPad and winding down with an actual, page turning book instead of a glowing screen. I just miss the days when books were held in your hands, and when you were reading, you wouldn’t get distracted by a pop up notifications that instantly take your attention away from the story.

So I’ve made it a priority to start reading actual books again and leaving the iPad for daily “work stuff”. In that, I’ve become quite the little book worm and have gone through a couple of new releases, so I wanted to share a few picks that I loved and a few that look perfect for summer, so that you can add some new summer reads to your list.

Obviously you don’t have to get the actual printed book, as you can download them on Kindle or Kindle for your iPad too, but I just really enjoyed having something to hold in my hands…

Chic Lit Delights!

I love me a feel good book! I’m not going to run and hide, I really do like chic-lit stories that I can just escape into without too much effort. After all, that’s all I want when I read… to be relaxed.

I’ve read all three of these feel good, chic-lit books, and highly recommend them for your summer reading. Perfect for the poolside, or while lying on a picnic blanket out in the sunshine. Even if you’re parking on the couch.

Two From The Heart by James Patterson

I’m embarrassed to say that this was my first James Patterson book! I know right! Where have I been? Well, I’m happy to say that this book was wonderful! A quick, easy read that I literally flicked through in just over a day!

Two From The Heart features two “book shots” that are short, easy stories in under 150 pages each. In this book shot, the two stories were Tell Me Your Best Story and The Lifesaver. Both wonderful short stories and not at all what I had expected from James Patterson.

You know how sometimes you create a certain perception about an author based on his “top sellers” that are not really your style? Well that was my perception going in, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well told these stories were for someone who writes New York Times Bestselling thrillers like “Murder Games” and “The Store”.

I loved, loved, loved reading both of these stores and am so impressed with Patterson’s dimension as a writer. I must admit though when I got to the end of both stories, I was sad that they flew by so quickly. I could have done with more; the characters were so entertaining, especially Tyler Bron, who is so stinkin’ rich, he hires an author to write out his own virtual reality! Such a fun read.

The Break by Marian Keyes

Again, this well known author was a first timer for me. But I quickly fell in love with this story and with Keyes.

When I first saw this book, all 569 pages I was like “yeah right, I’m never going to finish this story”. I have the attention span of a pencil sharpener, but I literally, could not put it down!

I finished it a few days ago and loved every delicious page turning moment. It actually kept me up, way past midnight most nights, which kind of defeats the winding down before bed mode that I was aiming for, but who cares? I loved it

The main character in The Break is Amy, and her (insert asshole emoji here) husband Hugh, who decides to take a six month break from their relationship – leaving her to deal with every day life and all the dramas of their household and dependents, while he goes off and “finds himself” on a paradise island.

It’s not just a break to find himself, he wants permission to be “unmarried” for the six month period. And with that, live the life of a carefree bachelor. But, he doesn’t want to leave her entirely, he just wants to explore the other fish in the sea. If he happens to find them.

It’s a really fun read, that will have you bashing poor Hugh along with Amy’s crazy’s friends, but it’s also a lovely read with a witty and funny story line.

Is Hugh the worst husband in the world? Well, that’s just it, everyone does what they do for a reason, so I guess you’ll just have to read it and find out for yourself. I’m not one to spoil such a must read book.

A Secret Garden by Katie Fforde

And finally, the last of my chic-lit loves is A Secret Garden by Katie Fforde.

Everything about this book was wonderful, right from the cover that made me want to put on my Hunter boots and get into my garden!

It actually, believe it or not got me inspired to get back into my own garden and I have, since reading it, created quite the little veggie patch and herb garden. Beautiful flowers are next on my list, but I wanted to start with something basic, and see if I’m still a terrible gardener. Turns out, I’m not so bad! My spinach is thriving (although constantly thirsty) and my zucchini plant has grown like a happy, veggie bearing monster over the past few months.

But back to the story… It’s about two English girls who become friends while working together on a garden in a beautiful, old manor house in the Cotswolds.

While the garden is the basis of the story, it’s also filled with insights into each of these women’s lives and told from both of their perspectives. Lorna who is older and wiser, wonders if she’ll find true love and Philly, who is younger, but has dreams of making it on her own (with the help and support of her darling grandfather) falls head over heels in love with a boy whose parents do not approve.

Together they find friendship and long lasting relationships. I felt as though I knew them so well, I forgot that I wasn’t part of their inner circle! I could almost taste Philly’s grandfathers delicious cakes and the smell of Lucien’s artisan bread still wafts through the air.

Oh and their passion for flowers of course! I wish I had that kind of simple understanding with things that bloom.

Serious Reads for Serious Book Worms

Before I get into these, I must confess that I haven’t read any of these books! But, they are on my summer reading list. Although, right now I started reading the new Dan Brown novel Origin, and am so into it, these will just have to wait!

While I may not have an opinion on these books, hubby has finished the one James Patterson one, so I’ve asked him to give me his 2c’s…

Humans Bow Down by James Patterson

Humans Bow Down is a post apocalyptic adventure, revolving around the antics of Six, Dubhs and a robot named Mikkey Bo.

The story line could be best be described as Hunger Games meets Terminator, where the young characters are fighting oppression, man versus machine. But who will come out on top?

That’s what makes this storyline complicated, it’s not as simple as black and white.

Despite being an easy read, it delves deep into the concepts of humanity, consciousness and genocide.

I found myself so immersed in the characters that I struggled to put it down.

16th Seduction by James Patterson

As neither hubby nor I have have gotten around to reading 16th Seduction by James Patterson, I’m just copy-pasting (yah, I hate doing that) the synopsis from the publishers website, so please forgive me!

It does look pretty good though… I think this is more my style than Humans Bow Down, because it’s more crime and detective that having anything to do with robots and aliens.

Fifteen months ago, Detective Lindsay Boxer’s life was perfect – with her beautiful baby daughter and doting husband, Joe, she felt nothing could go wrong.

But Joe isn’t everything that Lindsay thought he was, and she’s still reeling from his betrayal as a wave of mysterious heart attacks strikes seemingly unrelated victims across San Francisco.

And at the trial of a bomber Lindsay and Joe worked together to capture, his defence raises damning questions about Lindsay and Joe’s investigation.

A deadly conspiracy is working against Lindsay and soon she could be the one on trial

The Thirst, by Jo Nesbo

Again this one is in the “to read” pile, which means we’ll have quite a few fab books to keep us entertained this summer.

The Thirst is by Scandinavian crime fiction writer, Joe Nesbo. Even though hubby is quite the book worm, he hasn’t read any of Nesbo’s books, but just a quick squiz at the synopsis and it’s looks just like his cup of tea! I might even get into it myself…
There’s a new killer on the streets…
A woman is found murdered after an internet date. The marks left on her body show the police that they are dealing with a particularly vicious killer.

He’s in your house… He’s in your room
Under pressure from the media to find the murderer, the force know there’s only one man for the job. But Harry Hole is reluctant to return to the place that almost took everything from him. Until he starts to suspect a connection between this killing and his one failed case.

He’s out for blood
When another victim is found, Harry realises he will need to put everything on the line if he’s to finally catch the one who got away.

Do you have any fave reads for the summer? Any sizzling books you can’t wait to sink your teeth into? Comment below and let me know.
