Wanderlust Tag

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I’ve been blogging for seven years, and can you believe I’ve never done a “tag” post? Although I love reading them!

So, when I saw the Wanderlust Tag on Superficial Girl’s blog (read her tag here), I thought it would be fun to do one too!

Also, I recently started a new Instagram account (dimidoodles), where I’m posting all my travel pics, so really feeling the Wanderlust effect these days, reminiscing at old travel pics!

In my favourite place in the world! Almyrida beach in Crete

In my favourite place in the world! Almyrida beach in Crete

Blue doors in Santorini, Greece

Blue doors in Santorini, Greece

1. Your most treasured passport stamp?

My recent trip to Dubai. It was an absolutely epic adventure and one that I never dreamed of experiencing – like a rock star! It was truly living the high life from start to finish.

2. Can you recite your passport # from memory if asked?

Erm, no! But if I memorize it maybe it will make more travel manifest…. Here’s to the power of positive thinking…

3. Preferred method of travel: planes, trains or automobiles?

I love flying! I know flying freaks a lot of people out, but honestly, I love it! Of course halfway into the flight I’m over it and just can’t wait to get out and on the ground – unless I fly Business, in which case I never really want to leave.

For local travel, I love road trips, especailly when we can take it slow and explore along the way.

4. Top 3 travel items?

This question was a bit open-ended for me, so I broke it down into my top 3 plane items and my top 3 overall travel items:

On the plane

  • My Marshall Major or Beats Solo2 Headphones because the ones they give you on the plane suck and nothing is worse than screaming kids or snoring fellow passengers.
  • Fluffy, cozy socks to keep my footsies warm.
  • Oversized Hoodie. It’s the best flight buddy ever! When you feel like snoozing, it not only keeps you warm, but keeps your head cocooned in its own little private world. Also, if you’re flying solo, it’s nice to have your own space from passengers that forget about personal space.

Socks on, headphones plugged in and hoodie on!

Overall, my top 3 travel items for the trip

  • My Camera
  • at least 3 or 4 pairs of sunglasses
  • my TUMI suitcases (preferably carrying ONLY the essentials so I can shop up a storm overseas hehe)

5. Hostel or hotel?

Hotel! I’ve never understood the whole hostel appeal – maybe I am just too old? I like to have my own space and my own privacy so ya, hotel, hotel, hotel!

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?

I’d say a bit of both! I have a reason to keep going back to Greece (I love it and my family live there) and Dubai (because it’s awesome) but I’m always excited and keen to see new places!

7. Do you read up on your destination (culture,history,safety) or do you wing it?

Totally wing it! The hubs plans all the bookings and the only thing I check is the weather and what travel adapter I need!

I used to like reading up on places to become familiar with what I’m in for, until my hubs surprised me with a trip to Mauritius for our honeymoon.

I had no idea where we were going, even to the extent of not knowing what to pack! He gave me zero clues, until the day before, where he slipped up that we were going to Mauritius (whew, at least I knew what to pack).

I didn’t have any time to read up on it beforehand, so I arrived with no expectations and had one of the best holidays of my life. So now, I like to travel with a bit of spontaneity, a destination “blind eye” if you will, although, while I’m there, I like to read up on what to do that sort of thing.

8. Favorite travel website

Does Instagram count? I know it’s not a website per-se, but on my travel account (@dimidoodles) I follow travellers, explorers and wanderlusters, so my feed feels like a great collection of inspiring travel snippets. I love that these images are (mostly) captured by real people, so you sort of feel the travel experience through their camera lens.

9. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? Name city & why?

Crete (well more island than city) in Greece. It’s my favourite place on earth!

The people are amazing, the beaches and the sea are amazing! Summer is magical there and the vibe and culture is something out of this world.

On certain nights during the summer you can enjoy live Cretan music at one of the local tavernas, that expand their blue and white tables onto the beach…. Picture a perfect evening, filled with culture and local music, where tourists and locals come together drinking Mythos (beer) and Gazoza (lemonade made in Crete) shandies and eating way too much food. You really get that sense of Kefi that you’ll hear many Greeks talk about (spark/ fire/ enthusiasm).

10. You leave tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?

Woo hoo! I’m in! When do I leave? I have my whole dream trip already mapped out!

I’d go back to Greece and explore more of the islands. And since money is no option, I’ll take an overnight ferry to Venice, Italy (that place has been on my wanderlustlist since I was 10). Spend a few days exploring Italy and who knows from there? Perhaps a little stop over in Provence in France with a little time in Paris – of course!

I’d love to see your wanderlust tags, so comment below and share the link to your tag, or just add it into a comment below!


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