Working It Out

!!! This entry is older than two years. The information may be outdated. >>>

Lately, I’m thinking more and more about gym and exercise and getting fitter and all that jazz. No it’s not because it’s January (actually, well it probably is – let’s hope not though as those resolutions tend to fade – not that this is a resolution for me).

I’m just over being lazy. Haha! It took the December break for me to actually get my ass to the gym – or rather get my ass dragged to the gym by the hubz. But you know what, for the first time in a long time, I’m feeling motivated!

The first two weeks of getting into it are the worst! You drag and dread your gym time, until it starts to feel kinda nice and becomes a regular thing.

This coming from someone who at one point trained like a machine! As in, I went to gym twice in one day! Morning cardio and afternoon weights. Where did that crazy kid go?

I used to think that if I didn’t workout every, single day, then why bother? As I get older, I’ve definitely gotten wiser (it’s not that cliche – or is it?!) but now my mindset has changed and my goal is to workout when I can and make an effort whether it’s gym or not. Just get moving!

I used to love going to Yoga in Durban. Since we moved here (to Jozi), I ‘ve been to three different gyms and all three have not-so-great instructors. The Durban ones used to live and breathe yoga, as in, they were yoga instructors first. The ones I’ve been to in Jozi just seem to be fitness consultants who took a week Yoga class and now call themselves instructors.

I’m not a numbers girl, but when it comes to weight and exercise, like most girls numbers matter (and yes, dare I say it, my scale is my biggest enemy but I can’t live without it). So I’ve gotten myself a FitBit Charge, which has really helped a lot! I wore my old Fitbit Flex for a little while but I eventually got over it. It just became this annoying thing on my wrist, that I could only check on my computer. My Charge however isn’t half bad. Why? Well other than all the fitness things (which is obviously what it’s made for) it does cool shizz like tell the time and show my my incoming calls and I kinda like the sleep tracker feature.

Motivation for me also comes in the form or cool workout gear. Heck, nobody feels good in a pair of worn out sweats do they? And the thing is workout gear doesn’t have to cost a fortune. As much as I love Reebok workout tops (they are by far the best) and Nike sneakers and workout pants, Cotton On and H&M have some of the coolest workout clothes that you’ll love.

I spotted some cute pieces at Country Road at Woolies the other day, and while more on the pricey side, they are definitely worth the splurge for comfort, style and quality!

Cotton On workout pants

Cotton On workout pants

H&M Active picks

H&M Active picks


Country Road Active

To treat myself after my workout, I like to indulge in a little smoothie goodness at Kauai. The Gem (banana, toasted almonds, honey, frozen yoghurt and milk) has always been my fave, and I love the Acai-Me smoothie that’s packed with Acai, strawberries, fresh squeezed, apple juice, coconut shavings, honey and mint! YUM!

I love the new (actually, it’s probably not that new but I just discovered it haha) KAUAI LIFE app. I used to lose my smoothie stickers all the time and the app is just so much easier. Plus I got a free smoothie when I registered on the App and Discovery Vitality rewards you with smoothies or coffees for being a good gym goer. More motivation!

So what is my point with this article exactly? Workout for the fun of it and don’t make it about weight. But it’s good to have a way to track your progress because trust me, the stats will motivate you more without making it an obsession.

What are some things that motivate you to get moving?