World Water Day #AcquaForLife

!!! This entry is older than two years. The information may be outdated. >>>

On the 22nd March is World Water Day and a great time to stop and think about the importance of this natural element, which in many places is not only scarce, but where clean water is difficult to come by!

As little as 10 Litres of water a day is considered a luxury in some places. 10 Litres! Now imagine your day to day life and having just 10 Litres a day to get you through your daily activities; including cooking, cleaning, hygiene and drinking. Could you manage just #1DayOn10Liters?


Giorgio Armani believes that everyone should have access to clean water!

Since 2011, Giorgio Armani’s global campaign, Acqua for Life has already given 108 communities in 8 countries and 3 continents access to drinking water.

Every year, since 2010, as part of Acqua for Life, Armani has educated public opinion on issues related to water, raising funds and acts in the field, in partnership with Green Cross International and UNICEF, by installing water points, latrines, rain water collection, water filtering and purification systems, in areas that lack water or drinking water, a natural element fundamental to life.

With your help and raising awareness on the importance of water, thinking about how precious this natural element is, we can do even more and help improve lives.

Together with fellow bloggers and readers, I’ll be taking part in a local initiative with Armani to help drive awareness on the importance of water! For World Water Day on March 22nd, each of us have been allocated only 10 litres of water to use for the whole day.

Find out how we make our 10 liters go further by following the hashtags #1DayOn10Liters, #AcquaForLife and #HelpGiveWater on social media on the 22nd March and then check out my post on StyleScoop next week where I’ll be posting my feedback from my day, sharing my challenges and hopefully find some water saving tips on the day.
